以下是Circular Flow Pottery Studio 圓動力工作室( “工作室”)向課程參加者提供場所/設施/服務/材料/產品的條款及細則。 在參加者報名參加任何課程前,請確保已經仔細閱讀、理解、並確認以下條款及細則。
These Terms and Conditions set out the terms on which Circular Flow Pottery Studio provides the place/ facility/ service/ material/ product to the Participants. Please make sure you already read, understood and confirmed the following terms and conditions carefully before enrollment.
如果參加者不同意這些條款及細則或有任何疑問,請提前通過電子郵件給我們通知 coffeekwok@yahoo.com.hk,以便在報名前作進一步討論。
If participants do not agree or get any question to these Terms and Conditions, please give us writing by email in advance coffeekwok@yahoo.com.hk for further discuss before enrollment.
1) 報名 Booking
- 當參加者報名時,將需要提供聯絡資料(例如電子郵件地址、姓名、手機號碼等)及需求(例如課程時間和付款方式等)。 參加者須確保所有提供的資料是正確。 我們不會對資料錯誤而引起的任何誤解負責。
- Participants should provide contact information (i.e. name, email, contact no etc) and requirements (i.e. Lesson time, payment method etc) for any booking. Participants should ensure that all the provided information is correct. We cannot be held responsible for any misunderstandings that may arise due to incorrect details.
2) Payment
- 必須在收到我們發出首次確認通知後3天內提前繳付所有課程/ 班的費用,以確保預訂位置 。
- All payment of the lesson/ session fees should be made in advance (within 3 days upon receive our first confirmation of your booking to secure the space).
- 我們將在首次確認通知後2天保留預訂位置。
- We will hold the booking 2 days after the first confirmation.
- 付款方法 Payment method :
- 請提供付款收據的掃描副本/屏幕截圖/照片給我們作為記錄。我們收到參加者的付款後會將盡快向參加者發送電子郵件或短訊作確認。
- Please send us the scan-copy/ cap-screen/ photo of the payment receipt for record. Once we have received the payment, an email or a text confirmation will be sent to participants.
- 如果無法按時付款,我們將保留權利將原先預留的位置讓給其他參加者,恕不另行通知。
- If the payment cannot be settled on time, we will reserve the right to put your place to other Participants without any further notice.
- 所有已付款項均不可退款和轉讓。
- All the payment is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- 如果因參加者需要繳付額外費用(例如額外材料和燒制作品等),參加者應透過銀行匯款/ Payme轉帳 / 轉數快轉帳或以現金方式於燒制前付清費用。
- The payment can be settled by bank/ Payme / FPS transfer or by cash for any additional charge (such as the additional materials cost and firing cost). The payment should be settled before firing.
3) 在工作室的時間 Time in studio
- 參加者在課程/ 班/開始前不可擅自進入工作室,及必須在預定的結束時間離開工作室。
- Participants cannot access the pottery studio prior to the start time of a lesson/ session and are required to be ready to leave the class at the scheduled end time.
- 已預約的課程只可更改一次,但參加者必須事先7天前以短訊或電子郵件向我們提出更改。有關更改不會收取任何額外費用。我們會盡力應參加者要求安排更改,但視乎課程/班的空缺位置而定。
- A booking can only be amended on 1 occasion. If participants need to reschedule the lesson/ session, it is required to inform us in writing by text or email in 7 days advance. No additional charge is required. We would try our best to reschedule the lesson/ session for the participants but it is subject to availability of lesson/ session.
- 如參加者因任何原因而缺席,我們不會安排退款或補堂。
- No refund or make-up class will be arranged due to absence of the participants for any reason.
- 如果參加者遲到將不會得到額外時間作補償,參加者必須準時出席。
- No extra time will be given for late arrivals. Participants should arrive for lesson/ session on time.
4) 關閉工作室Studio Closure
- 如我們因無法控制的因素而被迫關閉工作室(例如8號颱風信號或以上、黑色暴雨警告、傳染病或政府政策等),我們將盡力為參加者在合理的時間內安排補堂。
- If the studio is forced to close due to factors outside of our control (such as Typhoon signal 8 or above, black rain signal, infectious disease or government policy etc.), we would do our best to reschedule the lesson/ session in reasonable period of time for the participants.
5) 內容 Content
- 為了提供服務質素或因應對突發事情,工作室保留更改任何課程/ 班的內容、時間、日期、地點或導師的權利。
- The studio reserves the right to change the content, timing, date, venue or tutor of any lesson/session in order to provide a high quality service or where it is necessary for reasons beyond our control.
- 如果因收生不足,工作室保留取消課程/ 班的權利,並將努力對此給予參加者更早的通知及安排退款。
- The studio reserves the right to cancel a lesson/ session if insufficient bookings have been received. We would strive to give as much notice of this as possible and make the refund.
6) 健康與安全 Health and Safety
- 如果參加者有特殊的需要(身體/認知),請在報名時或之前通知我們。
- If the participants have special needs (physical/ cognitive), please advise us on/ before enrollment.
- 參加者應遵循導師的指導。否則,參加者須自行承擔後果。
- The participants MUST follow our instruction during lesson/ session for safety. Otherwise, the participants will be responsible for the consequences.
- 我們建議參加者應穿合適的衣服、舒適的休閒服裝、防滑鞋底和腳趾遮蓋的平底鞋。如使用拉坯機,必須將長髮扎起,以便操作。手鏈、戒指或手錶最好除下,並放好在自己的隨身袋/儲物櫃中。參加者應特別注意個人隨身物品。我們對參加者的衣服損壞或隨身物品損失不會承擔任何責任。我們亦會於課程/ 班開始前對所有參加者作出簡短說明應注意的健康及安全事項。
- The participants should wear appropriate clothing and comfortable, casual clothing, flat shoes with non-slip soles and covered toes are recommended. Long hair must be tied back for pottery wheel work and jewellery and watch are best to wear off & keep in your pocket/ bag/ locker. Please kindly take extra care of your personal belonging. Our studio is not liable for any damage that occurs to clothing or loss of valuables. All of our participants will receive a short briefing on health and safety before commencing their lesson/ session.
- 參加者需要在完成課程/ 班之前,徹底清潔所有表面的泥和釉料,並徹底清潔其工作區的區域,包括拉坯機/桌子/地面。
- The participants should keep all surfaces clean of clay and glaze and to clean all areas including the pottery wheel/ the table/ the floor around their work area thoroughly before completing their lesson/ session.
- 為了安全和衛生起見,工作區禁止使用陶器、玻璃杯或進食。除導盲犬外,工作室大樓內禁止攜帶寵物 。
- In the interests of safety and hygiene, no crockery, glass or food are permitted in the studio working areas. Other than with the exception of guide dogs, no pets are permitted in the studio.
7) 工作室的清理 Studio Clean-up
- 使用工作室後必須清潔其工作之區域和工具。所有工作室課程/ 班的最後10分鐘都是需要每位參加者就其工作區域收拾工具和清潔工作台、地面、工具以及其他設備。
- All working areas and tools must be cleaned after use. The last 10 minutes of all studio lesson/ session is dedicated to gathering tools and cleaning work tables, floors, tools, and other equipment for each individual participant's work area.
8) 環保及回收 Environment and Recycling
- 工作室嘗試以零浪費和環保的方式去經營。所有材料都盡可能重複使用或回收。
- We try to run as a zero-waste studio and eco-friendly. All materials are reused or recycled wherever possible.
- 處置任何廢料時,請確保使用正確的垃圾筒。
- Please ensure that the correct bins are used when disposing of any materials.
9) 技術問題、破損和損壞 Technical issues, breakages and damage
- 從泥的使用到上釉的步驟,參加者可在導師的清晰指示下參與及進行,但燒制陶瓷只可由導師一人親自處理。
- The tutor would give clear instruction to let participants start for the clay to glazing. However, the tutor is the only one to handle & fire all ceramic work.
- 如參加者不遵守指示或因陶瓷本身的特性,始終有機會在教學工作室內產生技術問題/破損/損壞的風險,對此我們不承擔任何責任並賠償損失。
- If the participant does not follow the instruction or by the nature of ceramics, there is always a risk of technical failure/ breakage/ damage for which we cannot be held responsible and compensate the loss.
- 在未經同意下,參加者請勿觸摸其他人的陶瓷作品。這樣可以避免因意外造成的破或損壞。
- If participant has not got any consent, please don't touch others pottery works . This can avoid the breakage or damage accidents.
10) 取回作品 Collection of works
- 我們建議參加者在課程/ 班後儘快取回完成的作品,以避免作品損壞。當作品燒成後我們會通知參加者取回作品,如果在我們通知後的兩個月內仍未取回作品,我們將保留處置或捐贈給慈善機構的權利。
- We recommend participants to collect your finished work as soon as possible after lesson/ session. It can avoid the damage. We would inform the participants to collect the ceramic work after it is done. If it is not collected within 2 months, we will reserve the right to dispose or donate to the charity of it.
- 工作室將向參加者提供有限度的包裝材料。參加者請確保攜帶合適的材料包裝 (如需要)。若陶瓷作品有任何破損、損壞或丟失,工作室將不承擔任何責任。
- The studio will provide limited packing material to participants. Participants should bring suitable materials for packing if it is required. We shall not be held responsible for your ceramic work if any breakage or damage or loss.
11) 自我行為與舉止 Self conduct and behavior
- 破壞性行為是不會被容忍。使用工作室和設施的用戶必須時刻保持尊重和禮貌。如果我們認為行為被視為危險、不適當的行為或導致(或可能導致)犯罪、傷害或受傷,我們將不容忍任何不當行為,並保留在任何時候要求冒犯者離開工作室的權利。
-Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Users of the studio and facilities must be respectful and courteous at all times. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and we reserve the right to exclude any offending parties from the studio at any time if behavior in our opinion is deemed dangerous, inappropriate or causes (or has the potential to cause) offence, harm or injury.
12) 資料保護 Data Protection
- 我們會在參加者報名過程中收集其聯絡資料,並會就下列目的而使用其資料:
- We would collect participants' contact information during the enrollment process. We intend to use the contact information for the following purpose:
- 參加者有權反對將其資料用作推廣目的。參加者若提出要求,我們將停止使用其資料作推廣用途,並不會就此收取費用。
- Participants have the right to object to the use of your Data for direct marketing purpose. We will cease to use the data for direct marketing purposes without charge if you so request.
13) 責任範圍 Limit of Liability
- 這些條款和細則中的任何內容均不限制或排除工作室對以下方面的責任:因疏忽、其僱員、疏忽而導致的死亡或人身傷害;欺詐或欺詐性虛假陳述。
- Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude the studio’s liability for: death or personal injury caused by its negligence, or the negligence of its employees, agents or subcontractors; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
- 在工作室時,參加者須自行負責保管個人隨身物品,對於此類物品的任何損失或損壞,我們一概不負責。
- Personal belongings are brought onto the studio premises at the participant’s own risk and the studio does not accept liability for any loss or damage whatsoever to such items.
- 對於任何參加者在工作室場所或工作室外部遭受的任何傷害,我們不承擔任何責任,除非根據法律無法排除此類損失,損壞或傷害。The studio accepts no liability for any injury suffered by any participant on the studio premises or outside the studio except insofar as such loss, damage or injury is by law incapable of exclusion.
14) 中英文版本如有歧異,概以中文版本為準。 Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
15) 如有任何爭議, 我們會保留最終決定權。If there is any dispute, the studio reserves the rights for final decision.
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